Hotele w górach i nad morzem
Interferie Chalkozyn Kołobrzeg
Interferie Argentyt Dąbki
Interferie Cechsztyn Ustronie Morskie
Interferie Hotel
Medical SPA ****
Interferie Sport
Hotel Bornit ****
Szklarska Poręba
Interferie Aquapark
Sport Hotel Malachit ***
Interferie Chalkozyn Kołobrzeg
Interferie Argentyt Dąbki
Interferie Cechsztyn Ustronie Morskie
Interferie Hotel
Medical SPA ****
Interferie Sport
Hotel Bornit ****
Szklarska Poręba
Interferie Aquapark
Sport Hotel Malachit ***
Tło bannera

Location & Contact

Gwarancja najniższej ceny – zapytaj nas!

22 lut 25
23 lut 25
  1. Home page
  2. Contact
Interferie Chalkozyn<br/> w Kołobrzegu
Interferie Chalkozyn
w Kołobrzegu

78-100 Kołobrzeg
ul. Zdrojowa 1

Sprawdź dojazd 

Individual and group bookings

94 35 476 10

+48 887 875 315

94 35 451 88

Bank account number:

PLN 68 1240 3464 1111 0010 6705 2782
EUR 49 1240 3464 1978 0010 6705 2939
for foreign transactions SWFT: PKOP PL PW

Kontakt object page
INTERFERIE Argentyt w Dąbkach<br/> Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe
INTERFERIE Argentyt w Dąbkach
Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe

76-156 Dąbki
ul. Wydmowa 17

Sprawdź dojazd 

Individual and group bookings

94 314 81 34

94 314 81 30

Service and information related matters with the stay of patients referred by the National Health Fund branch

+48 887 876 627 
(open 24/7)

Bank account number:

PLN 94 1240 3464 1111 0010 6705 3284
EUR 12 1240 3464 1978 0010 6705 3314
for foreign transactions SWIFT: PKPP PL PW

Kontakt object page
INTERFERIE Cechsztyn<br/> w Ustroniu Morskim
w Ustroniu Morskim

ul. Chrobrego 58
78-111 Ustronie Morskie

Sprawdź dojazd (Check directions)

Individual and group bookings

94 35 15 590

94 35 15 670

Bank account number:

PLN 09 1240 3464 1111 0010 6705 2971
EUR 38 1240 3464 1978 0010 6705 3040
for foreign transactions SWIFT: PKOP PL PW

Kontakt object page
Hotel INTERFERIE Medical SPA<br/>w Świnoujściu
w Świnoujściu

72-600 Świnoujście
ul. Uzdrowiskowa 15

Sprawdź dojazd (Check directions)

Individual and group bookings

91 381 25 00

91 381 25 01

91 381 25 02

Kontakt object page
INTERFERIE Sport Hotel Bornit<br/>  in Szklarska Poręba
INTERFERIE Sport Hotel Bornit
in Szklarska Poręba

58-580 Szklarska Poręba
ul. Mickiewicza 21

Sprawdź dojazd (Check directions)

Individual and group bookings

75 612 17 24

Contact with the Hotel in other matters

75 647 25 03

75 647 25 04

75 647 25 00

Bank account number:

PLN 45 1240 3464 1111 0010 6705 3196
EUR 60 1240 3464 1978 0010 6705 3226
for foreign transactions SWIFT: PKOP PL PW

Kontakt object page
INTERFERIE Aquapark Sport Hotel Malachit in Świeradów Zdrój
INTERFERIE Aquapark Sport Hotel Malachit in Świeradów Zdrój

59-850 Świeradów Zdrój
ul. Kościuszki 1

Sprawdź dojazd (Check directions)

Individual and group bookings

75 781 67 32

Contact with the Hotel in other matters

75 781 67 33

75 781 64 90

Bank account number:

PLN 66 1240 3464 1111 0010 6705 3109
EUR 34 1240 3464 1978 0010 6705 3112
for foreign transactions SWIFT: PKOP PL PW

Kontakt object page
The seat of INTERFERIE S.A. The Legnica headquarters
The seat of INTERFERIE S.A. The Legnica headquarters

59-220 Legnica, ul. Chojnowska 41
Check the access 

76 749 54 00


+48 887 864 215

Personal contact: Office of the Management Board of Interferie S.A. in Legnica, ul Chojnowska 41, room No. 7, in the hours 7-15

InterferieMedical SPA Sp. Z o.o. The Legnica headquarters
InterferieMedical SPA Sp. Z o.o. The Legnica headquarters

59-220 Legnica, ul. Chojnowska 41
Check the access

76 749 54 00

Piotr Walkowiak

+48 887 860 700

Contact: Hotel InterferieMedical SPA ul Spa resort 15, 72-600 Świnoujście

Tourist office  INTERFERIE w Lubinie
Tourist office INTERFERIE w Lubinie


Mon. - fri. 9:00 - 17:00





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